On a sheet of scrap tin I traced a circle. Then I used wire snips to carefully cut out the circle. I wore work gloves for this as the tin is very sharp.
I also took an awl and made a hole at top for the tag to attach to collar with.
Then I used some fluorescent orange paint to spray paint front and back. I stuck white foam numbers to collar while paint was wet. I then took a black sharpie and collored in the numbers so outside edges were still white.
Daisy already has a tag with her name and our phone number on it or I would have used a fine sharpie to write that info on back of tag.
Preferably I would of liked to had heavier gauge metal and a circle punch and I would have preferred to have a stamp for the numbers but I used what I had. I'm not sure of the durability of this yet.
I will see if it lasts and hopefully get her an orange collar. One with a rebel flag would be cool.