Sunday, March 26, 2006

As a Man Thinks, So is He

My mother use to not allow me to say anything negative about one of my children. If I called them a brat she'd correct me saying if you call them a brat they'll act like a brat. In turn she'd tell them what good children they were. She loves the poem "Children Learn What They Live." "If a child lives with criticism, they learn to criticize...If a child lives with laughter, they learn to laugh", are some of the bits of wisdom from this poem.
This can also be applied to ourselves. We often beat ourselves up... I'm not thin enough...My house isn't clean enough...I'm not a strict enough parent...I'm too strict...I'm not as spiritual as others...These are things I tell myself. Instead we need to seek out the good things we do... I'm sometimes a strict parent but I want what is best for my children...I'm not strict enough sometimes but I can allow myself to make mistakes...I sometimes have a messy house but I spend time with my family...I may not be as spiritual as someone else but God sees the intent of my heart...I over indulge to relieve stress, but I don't' have to...
My desires don't have to dictate my actions!
We do need to recognize our faults and need to improve destructive behavior, whether it be gossiping, sexual indiscretion, over indulgence, etc. A very good rule of thumb to keep from allowing something to take over our lives is this quote by Samuel Smites...

"Sow a thought, reap an action;
Sow an action, reap a habit;
Sow a habit, reap a character:
Sow a character, reap a destiny."
-Taken from the book "Every Woman's Battle" by Shannon Ethridge.
Also proverbs 27:12-
"The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and suffer for it."
I know I've recognized disaster in my life before, kept going and suffered for it. However my thoughts are what started the whole mess. We cannot always control our thoughts but we can redirect them. As an old proverb states...
"You can't keep a bird from flying over your head,
but you can keep him from building a nest in you hair."
My resolutions for contentment
Choose to love myself and others,
Chose to forgive my mistakes and others,
Chose to be patient with myself and others,
Chose to accept imperfections in myself and others,
Chose to learn from my mistakes,
Chose to change destructive behavior,
Chose to do my best and no more,
Chose to love every line and wrinkle,
Chose to love every curve,
Chose to play, laugh and have fun!
I'd like to conclude with the fact that my mom takes every moment for what it is. I was so worried that she would be unhappy in a nursing home. I worried myself unnecessarily. Her frame of mind is positive. She is happy and content in her life. She may not remember what happened a few minutes earilier but she knows Who holds her future. We should all be so wise as she is.
"Life is about 10 percent how you make it...And 90 percent how you take it."-Barbara Johnson

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