Sunday, May 27, 2012

The Night the Power Went Out and Other Crazy Things

The power went off in our neighborhood and I have half a battery left before my cell phone dies.  So I decide to text this little story for my blog using my handy but sometimes frustrating voice text application.  What happened to handwriting by candlelight, huh? 
My husband and son have went to bed and the powers been off for about 40 minutes.
I decide to come sit outside on the deck, it's cooler out here.  It is really, really dark. There are only a few stars in the sky. I sit for awhile soaking up the quiet, all the neighbors have went in.  I of course get bored easily so I go inside to make myself a snack and put some peach schnapps in my ice tea.  While inside my ADHD kicks in and I see my Epsom salts and think, "I have been wanting to soak my feet in those!"   I decided I better not run hot water with the power off because we live in the country and have well water, an electric pump and electric hot water heater. "Ah ha, I think, the watering pitcher that is outside should have warm water in it!"  I add it to my eucalyptus Epsom salt but it was indeed not warm!  So I let myself get use to the shock and roll my pant legs up and proceed to soak my calloused feet.
I sit with my feet soaking, eating my snack of crackers and cheese and drinking my peach schnapps ice tea.  The porch swing creeks as I swing back and forth.  It will need a little WD 40.  I try to call my calico kitty over.  She walks by to just let me brush the top of her back before moving on.  What good are cats anyway, fickle creatures?  I miss my dog. She would keep me company unlike my unsocial cats. 
In the candlelight I have lit on a table, I can see that the cat is watching something intently in the yard....all of the sudden I feel a little spooked... maybe I've watched too many "Datelines" and "48 Hours"?  I imagine someone sneaking up behind me and attacking me.  Of course my family would never know it,  they are sound asleep.  I'm certain, though that I'd fight with all my might.  I'd even throw the candle wax in their eye!  I'm planning it all out in my mind.  But really I have no reason not to feel safe in my little neighborhood I've lived in for a couple of decades.  However, doesn't everyone feel safe right before...
My feet are probably prunes now.  And my gosh this swing is so noisy! Creek, creek, every time I swing.  I think I'll put this story away and pumis my callouses now.
Before I get my feet out of my soakin pan, the electric truck comes down the road.  It is shining spotlights looking for the power outage.  I think, "This is the fifth outage this spring and it's always on the other side of the subdivision, dummies"!  Oh well, what they must think of me sitting out here with my feet in a mop pan talking into my cellphone? 

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