Tuesday, April 11, 2006


This picture is titled "It's all about You."

Easter truly is the most powerful Christian holiday. When I think of Easter, I think, of course of the death of Christ and the resurrection.
Two years ago Mel Gibson produced the movie "The Passion of Christ" I had mixed views on the movie but not on the message. Christ suffered beyond what we could envision or even Mel Gibson could portray. But more remarkable was the passion behind his suffering. Passion- (meaning in context to the movie) "the sufferings of Christ on the cross or His sufferings subsequent to the Last Supper." -The Random House dictionary.
However I believe Christ's true passion; "any powerful emotion or feeling , as love or hate."-Random House dictionary, was his love for mankind. As demonstrated by the love of Christ for the thief on the cross. One thief mocked Christ saying "Aren't you the Christ? Save yourself and us!" This is all of us. We doubt Christ, we doubt his power. We don't understand his plans for us. We are too proud to admit we are wrong. Of course, like the first thief, there are those who would rather mock than believe. But the other thief humbly said, "We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong. Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom." To which Jesus announced to the thief and anyone who then and now will believe. "I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise." Luke 23:39-43 This thief did not let his pride get in his way. Jesus' life, his death, his resurrection were all for this purpose. This was his passion. His greatest desire, his "most powerful feeling" of love for mankind was to take our sins upon himself.
Judas pretended to be Jesus' friend, plotted and betrayed Christ and never sought forgiveness. Judas' life ended in despair as he hung himself. Where his tortured soul is God only knows? Peter denied Christ three times before Christ's death. However Peter sought forgiveness and received Christ's redemption.
Christ died for the thieves, the Peters, the ones that are accepting of his Passion.
"He who finds his live will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it." Matt. 10:39. We can seek to "find ourselves" We can look in success, money, education, love, fun.
I have a passion for adventure. Seems mostly that my adventurous side is waning (as a friend once told me). I still long for adventures. I don't think I will risk my life to do anything adventurous, (even though hiking at Turkey Run during a lightening storm was pretty risky). I probably won't rob that bank either, okay Roger?:) I think the most adventurous thing I have done lately is hike at Tippecanoe State park with Erik (We did see a snake...Okay... A baby snake and we went on a restricted pier that was roped off:) But I don't get discouraged about my lack of adventure. I feel if I keep running the race for which I've been called the biggest adventures await me - not in this lifetime.
I had gotten away from my faith for a period of time. I chose to find my life in fulfilling my desires. I was enjoying things about life. I was mostly happy with my job, my family, my marriage. But still I was empty and very discontent. I often felt compelled to come back to my roots. I found my roots when I walked into church and heard the old familiar hymns and praise songs I grew up listening to. I remember the joy it stirred up in my soul. I remember wanting part of that again.
Music is so powerful. I've been to concerts like "Lynard Skynard" where the crowd will stand the entire concert, clapping, singing, jumping up and down. Now that is exciting to a degree but it pales in comparison to the feeling I get when I hear worship music. I can be moved to tears by a powerful hymn like, "Nothing but the Blood of Jesus." and I can feel elated when I hear a song like "Blessed Be Your Name." written by Matt and Beth Redman or "Great is Our God" sung by Chris Tomlin. Songs like "Thief" and "Love Song" sung by Third Day speak a message so real and powerful. I mentioned to Jess and a friend of mine the power of worship music. It lifts me up when I'm down. It inspires my faith.
I believe that thru music, God brought me back to that "Old Rugged Cross" (my dad's favorite hymn)
I thank Jesus for his Passion. "I am the resurrection and the Life. He who believes in me shall never die." John 11: 25,26

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