Thursday, February 14, 2013

Ceramic Mug Repurposed with Acrylic Paint and Sharpies

I had grown really tired of these Christmas striped mugs.  We liked to use them cause they are the perfect size.  I read up online about painting Ceramic and lots of people were using enamel paints.  Then at ehow I found instructions for painting with acrylic paints.  So I had at it on one of our mugs for my husband's valentine's day gift.  
1) I took and laid the cup upside down on a newpaper (and I learned after I painted it that the paper stuck to the cup, so I switched to wax paper) I had to paint at least 3 coats of white to cover the stripes. I used a little foam brush and a small bathroom cup to hold the acrylic paint.
2) I let it dry about an hour after final coat.
3) I pencil drew my design. 
4) When I was happy with that I used sharpies to finish. 
5) Next I put it in cool oven at 325* for 30 mins. (do not preheat as the ceramic might crack)
5) Finally turn oven off and let cool in oven for about 20 mins. 
6) It must cure for 72 hours before using.  I haven't tested mine yet but hopefully it will be durable for dishwasher. 

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