Saturday, August 14, 2010

Midlife snapshots

I am going to write one or two snapshops that capture an experience or subject that presents itself to me, each day. (idea from book I'm reading)

Day One~ realized I should not shop at Aeropostle (even though I found some awesome skinny jeans) when the English accented clerk told me I'm not too old for "Distressed Jeans" and I KNOW I AM and the size I wear is their largest size available!
~realized it's okay to have Cinnabon for Breakfast and "Steak-n-Shake" chili cheese fries for lunch once or twice a year!

Day Two~ A sundress is really not summery and cool if you have to wear a strapless bra and your thighs stick together.
~And Rog should not talk to me about falling off the tractor into the chopper two days b4 I'm suppose to drive the said tractor!

Day Three~ Worrying is a waste of time.
~When driving a tractor ease the clutch in SLOWLY.

Day Four~ happiness is working alongside your hubby.
~children will leave and it hurts to let them go.

Day Five and Six~ If you are taking care of a 3 1/2 year old and 10 month old, Facebook is definately not a priority.
~Love spending time with my grandkids but love sending them back to mom and dad, LOL!

Day Seven~ Knowing a friend is cancer free is a good feeling!

Day Seven continued~ Taking your youngest for registration as a Freshman, sweet and sad. And surprised that after 27 years I remember where all my classes were and they are still in the same places!

Day Eight~ A magnifying mirror, natural light and some tweezers are a must after 45!

Day Nine~ I've decided that if I pray specifically for something one of two things will happen. God will say yes or no. So I've been just asking for what my heart desires. One of those prayers was answered today with a yes. Thank you Lord.

Day Ten~ Wanting to go to Europe suddenly took a backseat when I read other's struggles on Facebook. Thankful for the health of my family!

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